
Showing posts with the label growing

If your heart is ugly, you're ugly

  I have the upmost respect for split parents who can still be friendly out of respect for their children. Those are the people that really think about how greatly affected our kids are by our behavior and attitude. You see, the way I feel about it is: to even first have a child, in most cases, two people got a long enough time to make a baby. It's likely that two people had a good time together at one point. Whether it was a one night stand or a whole relationship, two people enjoyed enough of each other to have sex so what in the actual fuck is the problem? Why can't you get along for the sake of your children? Why does it always have to result in chaos? If it's been established that the relationship is not working whether it be for one or both parties agreeing, there is no reason why you can't set those differences aside, leave them in the past, and let them go.  If one says they're not happy there is no way the other doesn't feel it and become unhappy as wel

What's next?

 Imagine being 90 years old looking back at a life gone so fast.   You've buried a few peers, maybe even a child or two. A brother or a sister have joined your mother and father. You're trying to enjoy however long the rest of your life is. Your children have done had their kids. And on you're on your front porch or in your recliner. It's a wonder what happened?  What's next? 

We can't expect anyone to know anything they weren't taught....

 Four of the most important qualities a human being should possess: 1. Genuine : possessing attributed or claimed character not counterfeit, authentic, real      -be yourself- 2. Generous : liberal in giving or sharing, unselfish      -be helpful, kind, caring, and understanding- 3. Sympathetic : harmony of or agreement in feeling as between persons or on the part of one person with respect to another      -from one person to another it's important to compromise as well as accommodate one another- 4. Empathetic : the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another      -by imagining yourself in someone else's situation to get an idea of what they're going through- Everything you need to know to get by in life you learn in Kindergarten... patience, manners, respect, self control, sharing, taking turns, picking up your mess, interacting and communicating... etc. No, we don't learn everything in Kindergarten we jus

Adult life ruled by childhood

 From the time we're born until about 4 or 5 is the most crucial time in life for adapting to our environment and building our personalities and our character.  The life and mindset of the person/people who are raising us has everything to do with who we become.  As time goes by we meet new people and gain new insight to a much bigger world than we had originally thought. While a father can have just as much influence on a child, it's the mother that has an initial connection to him or her.  From the moment that baby opens their eyes and glares into the eyes of their mother through all the days that come after, she is everything to him.  As a baby grows they learn that they are a person, a person who is entitled to have whatever they want.  Babies are under the impression that the world revolves around them.  Unless they are shown and taught otherwise they continue to grow up thinking this which creates a real problem when they get older.  Having children requires time and pati

Be strong, Not sorry....

Somewhere along the line it was brought to my attention a way of adapting to a more appreciative lifestyle is to write down 3 things I'm thankful for each day.  There have been many days I've followed through and many I have not.  There's nothing so specific that I could say this blog is about because thoughts and concerns in my mind are all over like a ride at the fair grounds.  Get your ticket and get in line because even if you don't get motion sickness you're about to.  It's how I've been living almost every day since I brought my daughter home from the hospital.  My daughter was born in May of 2018.  I've never in my life felt the way I've felt since then.  A friend of mine believes that I've had postpartum depression that's never been treated and she just might be right.  I've always had some depression but I've never felt so defeated.  These days, I find that I feel much better than 3-4 years ago when it was at it's peak.