Unique Words and their meanings


 Random words and their meanings that caught my eye..

Alexithymia- the inability to express your feelings

Reverie- lost in your own thoughts; daydreaming

Lisztomania- the need to listen to music when depressed

Kalon- beauty more than skin deep

Nemesism- frustration, anger, or aggression directed towards one self and ones way of living

Limerence- obsessive romantic attraction towards another person 

Viridity- naive innocence

Ineffable- to great to be expressed by words

Ataraxis- the absence of mental stress or anxiety

Parastin- to protect

Anteric- pertaining to revenge against a former lover or a lover who betrays

Leal- faithful and true

Athymy- meloncholy

Vad- wild, untamed,uncontrollable, unregulated

Vim- lively or energetic spirit; enthusiasm

Somniate- to dream; to make sleepy

Carnifex- an execusionist; a butcher

Nullity- the state of non existence

Moira- a person's fate or destiny

elysian- beautiful or creative, divinely inspired, peaceful and perfect

cockwomble- a male-directed insult. A completely useless person that spouts constant bullshit.

Cuntpuddle- an unfailing bastard, similar to wankstain

empyream- pertaining to the sky, celestial formed of pure fire or light

belight- to light up, illuminate, shine up

eclat- brilliant or conspicuous success or effect

apricity- the warmth of the sun in winter


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