
 If anyone at anytime ever thought I was a fool, it's only because I've let them. There was once a time when I caused or joined chaos on it's journey through my teens and twenties.  It lingered, lurked, and sucked me right in.  Then, next thing you know it came to my attention that my own choices resulted in all of this chaos.  There was a passage in a book that I read and it really caught my attention.  I'm pretty sure that when I read and wrote it down I added my own wording to it. But here it goes "Chaos is unpredictable energy that cannot be controlled.  It has raw power and power is always potentially dangerous.  Chaos will turn a warm heart cold and with that type of power one's heart can sink".  I don't know the name of the book or author off the top of my head though when I get moved into my new place and unpack my books I'll be able to refer the beginning of that quote to the author of the book I read it in.


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