If your heart is ugly, you're ugly

 I have the upmost respect for split parents who can still be friendly out of respect for their children. Those are the people that really think about how greatly affected our kids are by our behavior and attitude. You see, the way I feel about it is: to even first have a child, in most cases, two people got a long enough time to make a baby. It's likely that two people had a good time together at one point. Whether it was a one night stand or a whole relationship, two people enjoyed enough of each other to have sex so what in the actual fuck is the problem? Why can't you get along for the sake of your children? Why does it always have to result in chaos? If it's been established that the relationship is not working whether it be for one or both parties agreeing, there is no reason why you can't set those differences aside, leave them in the past, and let them go.  If one says they're not happy there is no way the other doesn't feel it and become unhappy as well.  If something isn't feeling right then taking a break is the best medicine. Step back from the situation and really put yourself in the other shoes. Don't involve your children into your marital or relationship issues.  Refrain from saying anything negative about the other parent at all.  

From what I've noticed in all of my experiences, adventures, friendships, and relationships is that more and more as time goes by the people of the world are so unloved. They're abandoned and neglected by people they need. So many young men and women are signing up for jobs that they can't commit to. Being a parent is the toughest job comprised of the most complex versions of each dimension in life. 

Our children watch and learn from what we say and do. In a physical aspect they see what we eat, how we exercise, the things we do and use, how much we do or don't sleep, and basically our everyday activities.  Everything we do is under their radar and they're picking up on whatever we're putting down. They see how we interact with others. Their social life is directly related to the ways in which we communicate with people in society. Something I always tell my children is that it doesn't matter what you look like or what you weigh if your heart is ugly, then you're ugly!  

You can't expect anyone to know anything they're not taught. Do you realize how much smarter, healthier, happier, and most of all, safe your child will feel if parent separation never demanded the opposite of them? We do know how to answer a simple question in a positive way. Rather than feast on your negative thoughts, try to remember something good because there's got to be something that was good for the child to exist. (I wouldn't suggest saying "sex" but however you feel about it is how you feel about it).  


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