
 Since I was 15 years old I've inconsistently used drugs. My drug of choice has always been meth though I've dabbled in acid, shrooms, cocaine, crack, molly, E, and pills.  The only thing I don't partake in is heroin.  I've never had any interest in it for whatever reason.  From the age of 15 I've gone in phases where I've taken breaks from everything.  Depending on who and what I had going on in my life.  

It really makes a difference who you hang around.  You are who you hang with.  If you start second guessing your life and choices then you need to stop and take a look around at the people you surround yourself with.  If you don't change your atmosphere then how can you change your life?  Influence is huge pertaining to the choices we make.  If we don't have good influence then our choices won't be very good.  

Don't be a follower, be a leader and always be open minded to new experiences that provide information. If you simply can't be alone then it's important to find people or a person that influences positive behavior.  

Don't fill the void, be the void.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


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