
Blank Note Cards- Noted Gesture

  So the interesting thing about these blank note cards is that the cupcakes pictured on the front are ones made by me.  They're made by me, photographed by me, and now they look amazing on the front of these cards.  Made with high quality thick paper, completely blank inside, and they come with matching envelopes.  Whether you love to send cards in the mail or you're opening up your options of communication, these cards are perfect.  You can keep it short and sweet or there's enough space to fill with information, memories, stories, etc.. When creating Noted Gesture I wanted to encourage people to personally write or even draw and send through the mail to that important person you want to give a good experience to.  I'm pretty sure I speak for everyone that people love to get personal mail.  The idea that someone put thought, time, and energy into mailing out a gesture shows there are good people with good intentions left in this world.  It's up to those people to


  If anyone at anytime ever thought I was a fool, it's only because I've let them. There was once a time when I caused or joined chaos on it's journey through my teens and twenties.  It lingered, lurked, and sucked me right in.  Then, next thing you know it came to my attention that my own choices resulted in all of this chaos.  There was a passage in a book that I read and it really caught my attention.  I'm pretty sure that when I read what I wrote down that I added my own wording to it. But here it goes "Chaos is unpredictable energy that cannot be controlled.  It has raw power and power is always potentially dangerous.  Chaos will turn a warm heart cold and with that type of power one's heart can sink".   I don't know the name of the book or author off the top of my head though when I get moved into my new place and unpack my books I'll be able to refer the beginning of that quote to the author of the book I read it in.

People need lessons of love..

One of these days someone is going to interact with me on here and it's going to feel amazing. Thank you in advance.  Something that I want to touch base on is addiction stereotype.  Stop acting like you're better than anyone.  Don't ever count yourself out of going through a tough time.  There are so many people out there that have known no love in their life.  They live only where they've left off in learning.  Usually around age 9 is where people realize they have a mind of their own that causes them to be impulsive.  Around the ninth year is when children begin to defy the rules more and more.  The influence bestowed upon us until that point is directly related to the ways in which we were cared for prior. Something I've always said in relation to individual evolving is that we learn everything we need to know (IN ORDER TO GET BY), we learn in Kindergarten.  I emphasize that because of course we don't learn everything in Kindergarten.  That's not what I&

Occasionally I write porn...

Anticipating Next Time: It’s been a long lonely winter and she’s glad the sun is shining more and the days are growing longer. Her man had been away for what seems like eternity and she’s been anticipating his homecoming since he left. It was the day before the big day and she had to work. She was determined to make it through, keeping busy enough so she didn’t even pay attention to time. That’s the way she liked it. She never really had too much of an issue finding things to do. It was more about the idea that she was always alone in everything she did. Tomorrow would be the end of her loneliness. She imagined this event for so long. The next day was finally here. He came in the door and walked straight up to her with open arms so as soon as their bodies were together he held her in them, tight, like he missed her and never wanted to let her go again.  He smelled so delicious that her desire for him was obvious.  Her breath was so heavy and felt so hot on his neck.  The way she exhale