Quotes of Author's Unknown (to me)

 Phrases that I've heard or read, though I don't really know who thought of them:

"What annoys you is teaching you patience."

"Thinking and doing are two different things."

"What you own is NOT who you are."

"Everything changes, every second."

"You will only ever live the life you create for yourself."

"Being busy does not mean being productive"

"Some kind of failure always occurs before success."

"Winners don't always win, they just never give up"

"Be who you needed when you were younger"

"You know the price of everything and the value of nothing"

"Love will anchor you and keep you afloat at the same time, that's when you know it's real"

"Let go of what was, to embrace what will be"

"If it bothers you after 24 hours then speak up within 48 hours"

"Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for taking care of"

"A bad day doesn't mean a bad life"

"Stop apologizing for expressing your feelings.  You're convincing yourself that you're not worthy of the space you take up"


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